Take kids to Mombasa Butterfly House

Nkrumah Rd Makadara Mombasa

See Directions

Mombasa Butterfly House presents a paradise
of tropical butterflies and an unforgettable experience.
The World Class Eco-Tourism Center invites you to enjoy nature, learn
about biodiversity and its importance to local communities living around coastal forests.


The center prides itself on being a unique and spectacular attraction on the Kenyan coast, set in a quiet, quiet area with a
cool ocean breeze and a well-maintained garden ideal for a picnic or just a personal peace away from busy city noise & heat.
It's hard to miss this
while visiting the coast.


It is a happy feeling to be exposed and
to experience nature and butterflies that contribute to our well-being.


Visitor Category


Non-Resident Adult


Non-Resident Child


EA Resident Adult


EA Resident Child


Kenya Citizen Adult
